Artwork Processing

Raised material renders not having the 3rd page mask


We have reports from Windsor that rendered Raised Foil products have been coming in with no mask (the rendered document would have a 3rd page with a Scodix spot color for the mask). All documents are coming in with the 3rd page, but nothing there. We have seen that upon re-rendering them, they come in correct. However, this is not a “solution’ because plants don’t see that the mask is missing until the product gets printed. Also, it has happened two times across the past two days across what appears to be two time ranges.

This thread contains a lot of examples above.

Originally we thought it was only a single occurrence for Raised Foil products rendered on 1/21 between like 1600-2200, but we have at least another example of one that was rendered 1/22 at

One thing to note is that the “incorrectly” rendered documents have a RaisedFoilGold (for example) separation (as noted by Anatoliy above), but nothing in that separation as far as I can tell. This should not be there and should only be a “Scodix” separation, which leads me to guess that something is happening where the RaisedFoilGold isn’t being transformed into the Scodix separation as per the Prepress Parameters.

Also note that I have already confirmed that the Prepress Parameters are the same between the correct and incorrect renders, and also haven’t been changed in years.

Discussion thread: